North Garland Family Dental Blog

How Do Dental Bridges Fail and How Can I Keep Mine in Good Shape?

June 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nancy Henrichsen @ 11:19 pm
Dental bridge

A dental bridge can be a great way to replace one or several sequential missing teeth, but they don’t last forever. While one of these appliances can last for up to fifteen years or more with excellent care, there are also a plethora of factors that can cause them to break or separate from the teeth. Here’s a brief guide to the things that can lead to dental bridge failure as well as how taking care of your restoration is a magnificent idea for your oral health.


Wobbly Tooth Alert: What to Do When You Have a Loose Tooth

May 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nancy Henrichsen @ 9:26 pm
Patient looking at a loose tooth in the mirror

Picture this: you wake up in the morning and go to brush your teeth, but when you move over one of them, it moves! Would you know what to do, or would you fall into a panic? Whatever the reason for your loose tooth, acting quickly and calmly is important to protect your smile. Continue reading to learn the steps you should take if you find yourself with a wobbly tooth.


To Crown or to Fill: Do I Need a Dental Crown or a Filling?

April 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nancy Henrichsen @ 8:52 pm
Dental crown

Tooth decay is an insidious menace, and a tooth that develops it will not get better on its own. Thankfully, restorative dental treatments can stop tooth decay in its tracks by eliminating the source of the infection and rebuilding the tooth’s lost structure. Two of these treatments are fillings and dental crowns, and either one can be the better option depending on the patient’s situation. Here’s a brief overview of fillings and dental crowns to help you understand which may be the better treatment for you.


Maintaining a Bridge: How Long Can Dental Bridges Last?

April 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nancy Henrichsen @ 7:42 pm
Dental bridge

When replacing missing teeth, a person wants to find a solution that matches the real thing as closely as possible in function and appearance while being able to last for as long as possible. Modern dental bridges are incredibly comfortable and lifelike and can last for fifteen years or more with proper care. Here’s a brief overview of how dental bridges work and how to help them last for as long as they possibly can.


Powerful Nutrition: 7 Vitamins and Minerals for Gum and Oral Health

February 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nancy Henrichsen @ 7:40 pm
Man eating a salad for good oral health after exercise

Good gum health is an often-overlooked aspect of oral health, even though it’s just as important as dental health! While brushing and flossing are critical to keeping both in check, proper nutrition could be an element you’re missing. This is because certain vitamins and minerals play specific roles in gum health. Many of them support tissue integrity, immune function, and inflammation control.

If you want to know the seven essential vitamins for maintaining your gum health, continue reading.


4 Groups Who Sedation Dentistry Can Help

January 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nancy Henrichsen @ 11:44 am
A patient receiving sedation dentistry

Over the years, you’ve likely heard of sedation dentistry. The field works to make a patient’s dental treatments calmer and easier. That said, you may wonder: Which people does the sedation process help? Some surely benefit from it more than others. Well, the answer to that question isn’t hard to grasp. Your local Dallas dentist will even share it with you. To that end, read on to learn four groups who sedation dentistry can help.


What Dieting Trends Can Harm My Oral Health?

December 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nancy Henrichsen @ 10:27 pm
Lady thinks something over

America has seen many dieting trends come and go during the decades, and many of them are not as successful as others. Some of them require significant dietary restrictions that can make it difficult for a patient to get all the nutrients they need for excellent oral health. Dieting trends can have negative side effects such as bad breath or making the dieter more vulnerable to infections. Here are a few popular dieting trends along with the risks they can pose to your dental health.


Is Root Canal Therapy Expensive?

November 30, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nancy Henrichsen @ 5:42 pm
Concerned patient and dentist discussing treatment options

When you have a toothache, one of the first things you should do is call your dentist to request an emergency appointment. After they perform a thorough exam, they might recommend that you undergo root canal therapy, a restorative procedure that can end your pain and preserve your tooth. Still, you might hesitate due to concerns about cost. Is root canal therapy expensive? Continue reading to find out more about the financial aspect of this procedure.


Even Celebrities Need Dental Implants!

October 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nancy Henrichsen @ 2:51 pm
Zoom in on clear model teeth with dental implants on a blue background

It’s easy to feel down on ourselves if our teeth aren’t as perfect as the ones we see on celebrities. Even minor flaws can leave you feeling like you just can’t measure up, so imagine the frustration if you have lost one or more teeth! It’s easy to worry that the empty spaces are the most visibly noticeable thing about you when you eat, speak, or smile.

Fortunately, dental implants can help! Many celebrities have already discovered the benefits of this popular restoration method. If you’re curious about what it is and which celebs have had this work done, continue reading to find out!


3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid Of the Dentist

September 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nancy Henrichsen @ 3:21 pm
Toy spiders, white paper bats, toy skeletons, and a model of a tooth on a pink background

Now that the kids are settled into the new school year, it’s time to look forward to spooky season! Many people embrace this time of year and set up tricks to haunt their friends, neighbors, and family. Remember, though, fear is just a concept! We can work ourselves up into a good scare over almost anything from monsters under the bed to dental appointments.

If you’re like many others, you might even have allowed anxiety over the dentist to keep you from visiting for quite a while. This can be harmful to your health, especially if you (or your children) plan to enjoy the many sweet treats available this time of year! Continue reading for 3 good reasons why you shouldn’t be too afraid to see the dentist.

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