Dental Crowns – Garland, TX

Renew Your Tooth After Injury or Decay

Has your tooth suffered a great deal of damage or decay? If your smile needs a little help looking its best while chewing properly, a dental crown may be the right treatment for you. These customized caps are designed to be worn over troubled teeth to protect them from further injury while restoring their shape, size, and appearance. Here’s how Dr. Peterson at North Garland Family Dental can help you meet life with your best smile.

Lady shows her teeth

Why Choose North Garland Family Dental for Dental Crowns?

  • Friendly and Experienced Dentist
  • Durable Materials Create Beautiful Restorations
  • Dental Insurance Usually Covers Crowns at 50-80 Percent

What Is a Dental Crown?

Dental crown as it is made

Dental crowns are restorations that are designed to cover the visible area of a damaged tooth to protect it from further injury and infection while recreating its original appearance and function. Almost anyone can receive a dental crown as long as their tooth can be made strong enough to support one. They are typically used when a tooth is too damaged to be repaired by a filling, to anchor dental bridges in place, to cover dental implants, or to restore teeth after intensive procedures like root canals. While they are often used for restorative purposes, many patients also receive them for cosmetic purposes such as discreetly covering misshapen or discolored teeth.

While dental crowns can be made from a variety of materials, ours are made from durable metals, beautiful tooth-colored materials, or a combination of these to create a strong and lifelike restoration.

The Dental Crown Process

Lady smiles at dentist

While it’s best to ask Dr. Peterson about which type of dental crown is best for you, tooth-colored crowns are generally well-suited to the front teeth, as they can recreate a beautiful smile, and metal crowns can be great for the back teeth, as they can handle the most chewing power.

To place a crown, our dentist will use a local anesthetic to numb the tooth and its surrounding area, and he may use sedation techniques to help you sit comfortably. Then, he will remove any damaged structure from the tooth before taking bite impressions and placing a temporary crown so you can get used to how it feels.

A skilled lab technician will use these impressions to create a customized crown for you. You will come in again when our dentist receives it about two weeks later. Then, your temporary crown will be removed, and the permanent one will be cemented in place. You will then be free to enjoy life with your restored tooth.

The Benefits of Getting a Dental Crown

Lady shows off pretty smile

If your tooth needs a crown, going without it can lead to further dental damage or even infections. Several of the benefits dental crowns can bring include:

  • Allowing you to chew safely and comfortably.
  • Protecting your natural teeth to prevent tooth loss or extractions.
  • Dental crowns are versatile appliances that can address several oral health problems at once such as decay and discoloration.
  • Dental crowns can be built to match the appearance of the surrounding teeth, making them virtually indistinguishable from the rest of your smile.

With excellent hygiene and maintenance and regular dental visits, your crown can last for more than fifteen years.