Powerful Nutrition: 7 Vitamins and Minerals for Gum and Oral Health

February 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nancy Henrichsen @ 7:40 pm
Man eating a salad for good oral health after exercise

Good gum health is an often-overlooked aspect of oral health, even though it’s just as important as dental health! While brushing and flossing are critical to keeping both in check, proper nutrition could be an element you’re missing. This is because certain vitamins and minerals play specific roles in gum health. Many of them support tissue integrity, immune function, and inflammation control.

If you want to know the seven essential vitamins for maintaining your gum health, continue reading.

1. Vitamin C

Perhaps one of the most well-known vitamins for gum health, vitamin C is excellent for collagen production. This helps maintain the strength of gum tissue and supports the immune system, helping your body fight off infections and reduce inflammation.

2. Zinc

Zinc also strengthens gums and keeps your immune system robust to support healthy gum tissue. It also helps to regulate wound healing, which will keep your gums free from cuts and ulcers. Foods like meat, shellfish, nuts, and seeds are all rich in zinc!

3. Vitamin D

Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption, which helps strengthen your teeth and bones, including the jawbone that supports the gums. Research shows that vitamin D deficiency may also increase the risk of periodontal disease, making it important to consume regularly. Mushrooms, cheese, liver, and eggs are all great sources of this mineral.

4. Omega-3s

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, as well as flaxseeds and walnuts, have anti-inflammatory properties. They can help reduce inflammation in the gums which may help prevent or manage gum disease.

5. Melatonin

Melatonin is a naturally-occurring hormone that your body provides, but you can also buy it in capsule or gummy form. While it’s mostly responsible for sleepiness, research has revealed a link between low melatonin levels and periodontal (gum) disease. In one study, patients who received a steady supply of melatonin alongside periodontal treatment had more success.

6. Calcium

Calcium is known for its bone-strengthening properties. Your jawbone plays an important role in supporting the gums. If it begins to weaken, it can lead to gum recession, paving the way for periodontal disease and tooth loss. Dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified foods are excellent sources of calcium.

7. Vitamin E

As a powerful antioxidant. It helps protect gum tissue from damage caused by free radicals—molecules that damage your cells at a microscopic level. It also supports immune function and promotes tissue repair, contributing to overall gum health. Nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils are great sources of vitamin E!

It can be hard to incorporate these vitamins and minerals into your diet at once. Therefore, try to slowly change your diet over time and do some research. Eventually you’ll find delicious foods that you love to meet all your dietary needs and keep your gums healthy. If you need more guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist. They’ll be more than happy to help you support your smile!

About the Practice

Gum health is about more than just brushing and flossing. Dr. Yaritza Vazquez and Dr. Scott Peterson are dental experts that strive to educate their patients about oral health and provide top-quality dental care. They offer fully customized dental treatment plans and procedures that put you in control of your smile. Call (972) 530-7979 to schedule a periodontal treatment consultation at North Garland Family Dental or visit the website to browse other services.